ISO Flanges and Fabrications
The ISO range of flanges and fittings are manufactured from high quality 304L (1.4306)* stainless steel. There are four different configurations as shown. Figure 1 illustrates the double claw-clamp assembly which is the most commonly used configuration; Figure 2 shows the wall clamp assembly where a claw-clamp flange is mounted to a rotatable bolt ring. This assembly combines the claw-clamp flange and bolt flanges with nuts and bolts. The rotatable bolt ring and fixed bolted assembly is shown in figure 3.

The rotatable bolt ring consists of a rotatable outer ring and a split retainer ring to hold the claw-clamp in place. Finally configuration 4 shows a bolted fixed flange and a tapped flange, or chamber wall for example. All four configurations use an “O” ring seal held in place by a centering ring. This is effective down to 10-7 mbar. With Viton “O” ring assemblies bakable to 200°C (Sustained 150°C).
* 316L (1.4404) available on request.